Windy or blustery - ветренный
Large body – крупное тело.
Stocky legs – приземистые лапы.
Solitary – любящий уединение.
Asocial – необщительный.
Long snout – вытянутая морда.
Heavy build – крепкое телосложение.
Runner – бегун.
Climber – тот, кто карабкается.
Swimmer – пловец.
- Oh, hello, nice to meet you)
- hi, I'm glad to see you too. where are you going?
- to the swimming pool. We are having a competition next week and I have to train hard.
- sounds interesting. Why have you chosen swimming, not football or something else?
- well, I think, because I like water and by the way, I am not tired after training, swimming is sort of relaxation for me
- that sounds good. May l go with you too?
- you certainly may) but you need special swimming hat , glasses and tank suit for the lessons
- ok then, I' ll call you in a day. Where will we meet?
- at the bus station, I think
- thank you, good bye!
- good bye, good luck!
<span>The most important my work today - learning. I am trying to treat it responsibly, in good faith, set myself a goal and at the same time mature and umneyut . <span>In the future I plan to finish school , however it would be difficult
for me , but it will depend on what will be my way of life in the
</span>Another issue that arises when learning is the choice of profession. In
later life I want to associate myself with the banking business, for it
is in this area , I think I can show off their skills, strength and
realize himself as an employee . <span>In general, as every young man after finding his own career, I dream
to create a family and have a lot of friends, a good job and be an
exemplary mother to child , a faithful wife and a good hostess.
</span>It is this apparent pattern I can portray your life in the future. <span>And this is only my dreams through my powers and desires can be realized.
man is not just opposed to the barrier , and the person who goes ahead
and deliberately embodies the dreams, bold designs and plans - just so I
would like to see yourself in life</span></span>