To draw, to sign, to ride a bike
1) Jane said, that she enjoys ice-skating.
2) Peter said, that Steve can't walk after the accident.
3) Sarah told me that she has never been abroad.
4) Jason said to his father that his friend is having a party soon.
1.When did she get up?She did not get up at 7 o clock
2.When did she come? She did not come in the morning.
3.Was Jane fond of sport? She was not fond of sport.
4.How often did she do morning exercise? She did not do her morning exercise
5.What did she have for breakfast? She did not have anything for breakfast
6.When did she go to the institute? She did not go to the institute
7.Did she take a bus? She did not take a bus
8.How much time did it take her to do her homework? It did not take her an hour and a half to do her homework.
<span><span>1. to increase </span> Эйнштей посвятил всю жизнь расширению знаний человечества.
<span>2. to create </span>Над созданием своей теории относительности Эйнштейн усиленно работал много лет.
<span>3. to use </span> Она купила комп, чтобы использовать его для своих исследований.
<span>4. to be solved </span>Для решения студентами эта задача слишком сложна.
<span>5. to obtain </span></span> Атомные электростанции строятся для получения электроэнергии в огромных количествах.
Family is the most important of my zhizni.Menya they always support and make my life more prekrasney.I I rejoice every day spent with my family together
семья это самое главное моей жизни.Меня они всегда поддержит и делают мою жизнь еще прекрасней.И я радуюсь каждым днем проведенным с моей семьей вместе