Concerning to the researches of Haward University showed that child is (-..independent) since oral fixation. Child was born like unique, independent, human individuum, little person. The parents always trying to teach their lovely children, in the way of their own rules, which children don`t like, because they feeling a wish to get experience be themselves without help of adults.
Конечно не идеально.. . нужно много чего дополнять.. . написала на ходу.. . по первой теме
Где ты купила это платье?
перевод на английский :
Wher did you buy this dress?
Где - Wher
A) planes are faster than trains
B)almaty is bigger than Astana
C)Buildings in New York are taller than in London
D)Astana is smaller than Moscow
E)London is older than Madrid.
Зимой я могу проводить время очень хорошо. Я с удовольствием катаюсь на коньках, лыжах, санках и играю в снежки. Зима - время для веселья. Зимой много снега. Леса и поля белые. Зимой они выглядят великолепно. Снег сверкает на солнышке. Мороз разукрашивает окна, а с крыш свисают сосульки.
Я думаю, зима - красивое время года.
In winter I can have a very good time. I can enjoy skating, skiing, playing snowballs and sledging. Winter is the time for fun! In winter it snows much. Forests and fields are white with snow. They look wonderfull in winter! Snow sparkles in the sun. Frost paints on the windows and there are many icicles hanging from the roofs.
<span>I think winter is a beautiful season!