Our family has our favorite New year holiday. My family come together
and wait for 12 hours. Then we start to eat after 12 hours.
We like this holiday because we are around family.
<span>1. Great Britain is situated on the British Isles. Великобритания располагается на Британских островах.
2. </span><span> The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Irish Sea. Государство омывается Атлантическим океаном, Северным морем и Ирландским морем.
3. </span><span>The power of the Queen is limited by the Parliament, which consists of two Houses - the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Власть Королевы ограничена Парламентом, который состоит из двух Палат- Палаты общин и Палаты лордов.
</span>4. <span>The textile industry is also highly developed and a lot of British textiles are exported. Легкая промышленность (текстильная промышленность) так же высоко развита и большое количество британского текстиля экспортируется.</span>
1 His son likes green beans.
2 Child doesn't drink tea with milk.
3 This student has lectures today.
4 She has breakfast at home.
5 Does she take coffee in the evening?
6 What is she?
7 When he comes she will have supper.
8 What is this woman?
9 Does he like strong tea?
О СТАРОЙ ПЕРЕДАЧЕ О ЖИВОТНЫХ Transmission is broadcast in 1994. Originally published in the framework of the channel "Business Russia" and lasted 15 minutes, from 1996 comes as a standalone program. [2] The very first show was devoted to dogs [3] [4].The idea of creating a program about animals in the channel "Business Russia" (Russian TV broadcast daily in 1994-1995) belonged to the executive producer of "Business Russia" Alexander Akopov. The concept and design of the program developed Alexander Gurevich (then chief director of "Video International" and Ivan Zatevakhin - permanent author, presenter and program manager. In the first release of the program (1994), co-host Ivan Zatevakhin acted veterinarian Sergei Minsk, later left the project . During the existence of the transfer repeatedly changed construction, timing and design studio.In 1999 [5], 2000, 2003, 2011 the program was nominated for the main prize in a television broadcast Taffy. [6]September 24, 2011 the program has suffered a significant change: the first time since 1996, changed backgrounds and graphic design programs, the studio changed the scenery, new headings and timing of the program is increased to 44 minutes (in 2005, with 52 minutes of running time was reduced to 30).Currently, the program goes to the video magazine format, which presents the rubric dedicated to both wild and domestic animals. In the studio of the master, as usual, with their pets come to pet lovers, biologists, as well as trainers, showing all sorts of tricks, and directly at the site reveals the secrets of training their pets. Currently in the program launched and presented to the audience a mini series of its own production, dedicated to work of veterinarians and weekdays Moscow Zoo, and a special project - a documentary about the Commander Islands - "Islands in the ocean", filmed with the assistance and to order the Russian Geographical society.
My brother is going to take part in the football match