2)shops,cinemas and theatres
Helo Maria!
How are you ?I'm fine .in this letter i want to tell about my favorite seasen .My favorite season is spring .Because ,I live How flowers bloom and snow is melting .Outside it becomes warm .You can already go for a walk .Sometimes it will rain .Well,that's not bad .And what is your favorite season ? Write mi the next one .What is the new from you
Bye .Your girlfriend(имя)
1. Do we have some very beatiful nature?
2. What do we also have?
3. Who has some beautiful nature?
4. Do we also have some very beautiful or ugly nature?
5.We also have some very beatiful nature, do not we?
1. б) алая роза
2. д) Англия
3. в) Лондонский Колизей
4. б) бобби
5. увы нет
6. д) Манхеттен
7. а) тренчкот
8. а) тоннель под Ла-Маншем, соединяющий Францию и Англию
9. д) реклама новых жилых кварталов на холмах на холмах над районом и.т.д.
10. а) дорога гигантов
<span>a)Where were you born?
b)When was you mother born?
c)When dıd you start school?
d)How many schools did you go to?
e)Did you go to the kindergarten?
f) What was your favourite cartoon when you were a child?</span>