<span>1. What colour is the car? - It is quite far, I can't see its colour. - Какого цвета та машина? - Она далековато, я не могу рассмотреть ее цвет.</span>
-Why does she often cry when she watches romantic films?
-Because they are touching.
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To accuse, to browse, to get a degree, to save up.
Adis, behaviour, chat, CV, disrespect, disability, era, forum, gender, honour, individuality, issue, minority, option, prejudice, promotion, race, stability, stereotype, sufferer, unemployment.
Aggressive, available, cosmopolitan, equal, ethnic, fabulous, flexible, harmful, nuclear, retired, senior, significant.
Susan often drives from London to Winchester.
It is always her visiting day.
She usually visits her granny.
She sometimes drives to Guildford to see her aunt.
She seldom goes to see her uncle.
He is a lean man, a mean man. He is a man who never smiles.
1 Does Susan often drive from London to Winchester?
2 Does Susan usually visit her granny?
3 Does she sometimes drive to Guilford to see her aunt?
4 Does she seldom go to see her uncle?
5 Is he a man who never smiles?
6 Is it always her visiting day?