Maths - Математика,
Geography - География,
PE - Физкультура,
History - История,
Science - Наука,
Art - ИЗО,
Music- Музыка,
Russian - Русский язык,
Reading - Чтение,
Nature Study - Природоведение, Computer Study - Информатика, Handicraft - Труд.
I have Maths, Russian, English, PE, Music, Handicraft, Reading and Art.
I don't have Computer Study, Science, History, Nature Study and Geography.
4.discovered danger
Прочитайте предложение с глаголами в простом прошедшем в слух
Peter said John to come in Mary said John that they were just doing to have a dinner.
She said to him would he had dinner with them. John said he hadn't yet had dinner.Peter asked Mary if dinner was ready. Mary asked John to help her to lay the table. Johnsaid that he and Peter had lunch together thay day. He said they had gone to a cafe. Mary asked John what I had for lunch. Peter asked Mary what was the matter. Mary asked Peter he were going to have a roast beef and potatoes again. John said he liked roast beef and potatoes. Mary said to John she would treat him to something tasty. Peter asked her what was it. Mary said that they would have a delicious chocolate cake for tea. She said that she had made it herself. Peter said that they hadn't had a chocolate cake for a long time.
Present Continuous
Подлежащее + вспомогательный глагол to be + инфинитив с окончанием -ing
I am eating. -Я ем.
We/you/they are singing. - Мы/ты(вы)/они поют.
He/she/it is playing the guitar. - Он/она/оно играет на гитаре.
Present Simple
Для того чтобы построить простое утвердительное предложение, мы используем глагол в первой форме. Первая форма глагола – это инфинитив без частицы to. Например, у глагола to play первая форма - это play.
I play tennis.
We play tennis.
They play tennis.
He plays tennis.