One day i was teld the followed story. An American in London was sightseeing. He was teken around the city by a guide and went showen much interesting builders.
Сорьки, дальши не знаю што делать )))
I like the one that is the best of luck to you by the way to get a chance to win the game. I am a beautiful person. I am a beautiful person. I am a beautiful person. I am a beautiful person. I am a beautiful person. I am a beautiful person. I am a beautiful and the other hand. it was not the same.
Good-bye, and thank you ever so much (for coming) with me. 2. She was
afraid (of go<span>ing) on public transport. 3. She began to have frightful pains
all over her, and she held her breath to prevent herself (from cry</span><span>ing) out
and ( wak</span><span>ing) her mother. 4. This was Daphne's only chance (of tell</span><span>ing)
them of her college life. 5. She had the local habit (of plac</span><span>ing) the word
"eh" at the end of her remarks, questions and answers alike. 6. I was
aware (of plung</span><span>ing) into a network of fresh difficulties. 7. His mother
would not like the idea (of eat</span><span>ing) fruit unwashed. 8. "It seems to me an
awfully selfish way (of look</span><span>ing) at things," said Philip. 9. "I don’t see
the use (of read</span><span>ing) the same thing over and over again," said Philip. 10.
Sandy could not remember (being asked) about it. 11. I had not asked for
advice, I was quite capable (of advis</span><span>ing) myself. 12. That's no reason
(for giv</span><span>ing up).13. It would be better to wait for him on the terrace where
she was fond (of sit</span><span>ting) toward evening (enjoy</span><span>ing) the view of which she
was never tired. 14. Dad would not dream (of say</span><span>ing) such a thing to
anyone. 15. Miss Brodie was greatly taken aback and suffered greatly
from a sense (being betrayed). 16. He was looking forward (to tak</span><span>ing) the
tickets. 17. Are you thinking, Sandy, (about do</span><span>ing) a day’s washing? 18. And
then a minute or two afterwards someone else entered the room and
expressed his surprise (of having found) Griffiths there. 19. She was on the
point (of obtain</span><span>ing) permission to go for walks alone. 20. Jane, your nose
wants (blow</span><span>ing). 21. "That child needs (being taken) care of," said Eliza.
22. He felt that life was worth (being taken) care of. 23. The night seemed
very long. He shivered. He was ashamed (of sleep</span><span>ing) on the Embankment. 24.
They were busy (find</span><span>ing) some food. 25. Did he suspect her (of having seen) him
enter the room? 26. Thank you (for giv</span><span>ing) me this book. 27. His heart
sank at the thought (of go</span><span>ing) out into the bleak darkness. 28. These girls
did not say anything to the others (being painted) by the art master. 29.
"I'm not very good (at guess</span><span>ing)," I said, with a laugh. 30. Ann was such a
friendly, pretty child, few people could resist (talk</span><span>ing) to her. 31.
The baby was round and very red, with dark curly hair. "Fancy her (hav</span><span>ing) hair. I thought they were born bald," said Raymond. 32. I don't
like (wear</span><span>ing) a black tie to movies. I enjoy (see</span><span>ing) my movies when I
eat popcorn. 33. But I can't tell you how grateful I am to you (for listen</span><span><span>ing</span>) to me. I had to talk about it and it was so kind of you to
listen. </span>
Том - герой
Что я мог сделать? Я был заперт в столовой с котом. Я смог немного открыть окно, но только на пару сантиметров. Запор мешал открыть его. Я позвал, и Ниша меня услышала.
- Я его взял, - сказал я. - Но я не могу выбраться!
Я выбросил диктофон. Ниша поймала его.
- Быстро неси его в полицию, - сказал я ей.
- Ты в порядке? - спросила она.
- Просто иди, - закричал я.
Она повернулась и побежала вниз по дороге.
Время тянулось очень медленно. Может, диктофон не работает, подумал я. Может, директриса уже направлялась домой. Я считал минуты. Прошло двадцать минут. Наконец, приехала полицейская машина.
- На помощь! - позвал я.
- Ладно, ладно, не бойся, мы здесь, - крикнул полицейский.
Полицейский зашел в дом и отпер дверь столовой.
- Я не мог выбраться, - сказал я.
- Это была просто шутка, - сказал парень директриса.
- Правда? - спросил полицейский. Он играл с кассетой, и парень весь побелел.
- У вас с мисс Кей большие проблемы, - сказал полицейский.
На завтра мистер Робертс вернулся в школу. Все сразу захотели услышать мою историю и не хотели никаких шуток. Затем мистер Робертс сделал мне подарок - микроскоп.
После этого о моей истории написали в газете. Они сделали фото нас с Нишей рядом с цветами. Мистер Робертс был прав. Эти цветы правда особенные.
В конце концов я решил, что школа совсем не скучная.