Buynakskie 109 A по моему. Потому что в англиском языке нет Родительного падежа
Word eagle - starynnoe n, p shodnoe Title эtoy ptytsы in the second Slavic peoples and ancient Perhaps blyzkoe for-hermanskomu. Title Writers Russians in the XVIII century, notably in B. Levshina
Це про орла
1. What are the Barkers doing now?
2.What (Whom )is Mr Barker taking to the zoo?
2 If you do river bugging backwards, you go faster.
3 If I exercise, I feel better.
4 If you put an inflatable object in water, it floats.
5 If you heat water, it boils.
6 If we go out on a hot day without sunscreen, we get sunburnt.
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