Жираф только с первого взгляда нескладен. Это очень грациозное животное.
Он великолепно приспособлен, чтобы жить в самых засушливых районах, там где вода и
трава во время засухи практически исчезают.
Длинные передние ноги жирафа и необыкновенная шея позволяют ему во
время засухи питаться его излюбленным кормом - листьями с верхушек акаций.
<span>Жираф обладает чутким слухом и острым зрением. Он замечает врагов на
большом расстоянии, а сильные задние ноги позволяют ему молниеносно рвануться с
места. Бегает жираф очень быстро. Он достаточно долго может нестись со скоростью 60
км/ч. Ему не составляет труда оставить далеко позади себя
льва -
единственного хищника, который может считать жирафа своей добычей.</span>
Living room - гостиная
<span>|ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm| - транскрипция
1 living
2 after
3 like
4 people
5 houses
6 through
7 during
8 and
9 especially
10 along
11 hours
12 seeing
13 grass
14 on
15 tried
16 every
17 seem
18 other
19 popular
20 also
One stormy afternoon Ann and Tim were watching TV because they were free of hard school work. But it was boring. Then Tim suggested going to the museum which was located in the old castle. When they arrived there it was everning already and there was no visitors except them. During walking along the cold dark halls and coridors Ann was really scary. But Tim was excited and he asked her to take a photo of him and some statue. It was a statue of a man in old costume. When she looked on the made photo in her camera, there was noone near Tim. There was no statue in the room either. They were shocked and afraid so they ran away from that room. The lady from the reception desk smiled and told them that the man in the room was a museum ghost called Henry. When Tim looked at Ann , she was really pale.
Have you bought a red pen?
Has he listened to the song?
Have you seen the film?
Have you read the text?
Has he washed up?