On Monday we had five lessons.
The first lesson was Russian.
At the lesson we wrote a dictation and did some exercises.
Nick went to the blackboard.
He answered well and got a "five".
Pete didn't get a "five" because he didn't know his lesson.
After the second lesson I went to the canteen.
I ate a sandwich and drank a cup of tea.
I didn't drink milk. After school I didn't go home.
I went to the library and changed the book.
Then I went home.
We had
finished the work by 6 o'clock, hadn`t we?
Had we
finished the work by 6 o'clock?
Had we
finished the work by 6 o'clock or by 8 o`clock?
Who had
finished the work by 6 o'clock?
When had we
finished the work?
1) There is a lot of litter - мусор - неисчисляемое существительное, употребляем только в ед. числе
2) in the street - со словом "улица" употребляем предлог in
3) bins - возьми во мн. числе
4) The Volga - употребляется с артиклем
5) into water - не нужен артикль, но возьми предлог into, будет точнее передан смысл, что мусор бросают в воду
6) in Volgograd - название города без артикля.
<u><em>Хорошая работа.</em></u>
1)Понедельник - Monday;
2)Вторник - Tuesday;
3)Среда - Wednesday;
4)Четверг - Thursday;
5)Пятница - Friday;
6)Суббота- Saturday;
7)Воскресенье - Sunday.