Ответ: 2. Studying
3. Dancing.
4. Joining.
2 -ое предложение: если слово заканчивается на y, то ты просто добавляешь окончание -ING.
3 -ее предложение: если слово заканчивается на e, то мы убираем e и ставим - ING.
4 -ое предложение: в таком случае просто добавляй -ING.
Unlucky to walk underneath a ladder.
Broken mirror leads to seven years of misery or seven disasters. Catch falling leaves in Autumn and you will have good luck. Every leaf means a lucky month next year. Unlucky to see one magpie, lucky to see two, etc. It is not common to kill spiders in the house, because these insects are believed to bring good luck and money. Married in white, you have chosen right; married in black, you’ll wish yourself back. Lucky to find a clover plant with four leaves. According to legend, the people in love usually cook salty food. . If you walk under the stairs, you'll have bad luck. Russians believe that carrying an empty bucket is not good or bumping into a person with an empty bucket in the street. To break the dishes is a good sign, it’s said that it is to good luck. . Good luck if a white cat crosses your path. When saying ‘spit’, it means that one should spit three times over his left shoulder in order not to pur the evil eye. Lucky to meet a black cat. . Friday the thirteenth is a very unlucky day. Friday is considered to be an unlucky day because Jesus was crucified on a Friday.
B, b.
B, c, a.
B, a.
1б, 2a, 3б,4b.
Lie-laid - laid. Go-went - gone. Send - sent - sent. Read - read (Рэд) - read (Рэд).
Haven't seen, didn't see, have been, was.
Wrote, am writing.
Did you go to the Caucasus?
Did you bath a great deal a lay in the sun?
У меня есть ... много видимых, feus, nly one) хобби хобби хобби Мне нравится Это (...), (eaxpensice, cheap, free). Я делаю это ... (в компании, в одиночку). Это хобби сделано ... (внутри, снаружи). Я люблю его, потому что он ... (смешной, расслабляющий интеллектуал и т. Д.). Самое лучшее в моем хобби - это то, что мне не нравится
вот как-то так
Во сколько уходит самолёт?