1. Он может прочитать эту книгу.
2. Эта маленькая девочка не может прыгать.
3. Могут ли они спать в палатке<em>?
</em>4. Можешь ли ты закрыть дверь<em>?</em><em>
2.to collective to protective to defendive to effective to attcactive to reffective
I like shopping. When I really need something, I go to the shops. For example, it is funny and enjoyable to choose clothes. My clothes represent my personality and mood. Usually I ask a shop assistant about the fashion things, colours, size. When I choose something elegant or cool, I go to the changing room. If it suits me well, I buy it by card or in cash. Also I like bookstores. I can spend hours walking along the shelves with books. Sometimes I go to the flea markets. There are a big variety of souvenirs, gifts and other interesting things.
1) she wants to tell you something...
2) she went to London in July.
И т.д.
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