<span>In Mikhail Lermontov was a proud, relaxed posture, the average growth and excellent flexibility of movement.Smooth, slightly curly hair on both sides left quite open the unusually high forehead. Large, full of thoughts eyes, seemed not to have participated in a mocking smile playing on his lips beautifully evident as a young man.<span>He was dressed in full uniform, military coat is not new and not buttoned up to the top.
</span></span>У Михаила Юрьевича Лермонтова была гордая, непринужденная осанка, средний рост и замечательная гибкость движений.Гладкие, слегка вьющиеся по обеим сторонам волосы оставляли совершенно открытым необыкновенно высокий лоб. Большие, полные мысли глаза, казалось, вовсе не участвовали в насмешливой улыбке, игравшей на красиво очертанных губах молодого человека.<span>Одет он был в парадную форму, военный сюртук не нов и не до верху застегнут.</span>
Dasha and I learned in kindergarten. It was a long time ago, so I do not remember the details.
Dasha pretty girl of seventeen. She is of medium height, she had light skin and dark brown hair to his shoulders. Her hair is straight, and is usually in the form of promiscuity. Dasha blue eyes, that she is able to emphasize with the help of a cool make-up, and still she is well dressed.
Dasha sociable person. Her character correspond to such features as the dedication, resourcefulness, she's smart, and it always has something to talk about. She is very punctual and responsible.
Dasha lives colorful life and does not like to sit in one place. She has been dancing and have been teaching children. He likes to joke and sing songs.
Dasha good friend with whom you can always spend time wondering. She never throw in a difficult moment. I am glad that we are friends with her.
1One ambitious man2 under the threat of hooliganism3 lack of attention4 earn pocket money5 head to anyone6 to do their work7 delivering newspapers8 to succeed in something9 protect against hooliganism10 to promote independence<span>11 ashamed of the bad marks </span>