В суффиксах имен прилагательных,образованных от существительных,после шипящих и ц под ударением пишется буква О,без ударения Е. Например : ежОвый, плюшЕвый.
Найди в Я н д е к с е или где-нибудь ещё переводчик и переведи
I'm standing here next to River Thames in London. An enormous whale is swimming in the river! The whale isn't going to the sea- it is moving in the direction of the city centre. It's incredible! Hungreds of tourists are taking photos. Experts are trying to help the whale, but it's very difficult. All around the world, people are watching the whale on TV. Here in London, everyone is amazed.
Тут всё упражнение на правильную форму "present continuous"
Everyone has a favorite food. Only that we order food in the restaurant and buy in the store. When you travel,you have more dishes.
My favorite food is cupcakes. I so love this sweet "mini cakes" with cream. I love chocolate and vanilla cupcakes.
1.There are many creative students in the college.
2.There are a lot of colleges in Omsk
3.There is a good tradition in our group
4.There are computer rooms where students create programs.
5.There are many salons in college
6.There is a big equipment in the new workshops.
7.There is a second library on the floor.