У нее много кукол? - вот такой перевод
Моя школа которая является частным имеет 650 девочек разного возраста.Это одно из самых верхней восточной части Манхэттена в Нью Йорке.Я люблю свою школу!Есть также много культурных и образовательных возможностей для нас.
1 Sydney is famous for its harbour. You should also look at the Opera House
and the bridge while you're there.
2 We arrived at the hotel and they provided us with a map of the area.
3 When you're preparing for a holiday, pack clothes that are suitable for the
place where you're going.
4 I prefer to be far from other people when I'm on holiday. I don't like being close to crowds of tourists.
5 While we were waiting for our train, I asked someone about the delay.
6 Will was late for his appointment so he asked me for some money for a taxi.