Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его. 1) pen, pencil , bag, ruler, rubber. 2) Maths, Eanglish, GB, Art, PE, Music 3) desk, computer
мамсик [24]
1.rubber,2.GB,3.sofa ,насчёт третего не уверина (
Праздничные ярмарки
осенние фестивали
интересуется/касается праздничных дней
соревнования в разгаре
пение народных песен или частушек
представления городского фольклора
хоровой клуб\ клуб народных танцев (можно сказать кружок)
выставка домашних животных\выставка цветов
2 колонка
соревноваться в
исполнять народные танцы
надевать народные костюмы
рассказывать шутки, веселиться
готовить и кушать традиционную еду
получать призы
- Journalists - which is made and shown on the news about what happened
where it happened. They estiot there where fighting, where competitions
are held. They take them off the camera and then show on us TV, film
about music, about movies. And I also recently filmed as we danced in DC
"Chemists" and was shown on TV. Sports also remove any athletes when
they hang around and talk about the lives of athletes, as they are doing
or what happened to them during the race, while playing football,
hockey. In our city there is also a correspondent of the newspaper "the
Verge". They tell about the people of our city, about the people of
another city, even the people who live on another planet. They have a
tough job. It should all the time go somewhere in Moscow. But at the
same time and they are interested because it is interesting to watch, as
are the athletes, stars.
1. Is 2. Are, are, are, am, are, are