In my opinion, disciplined employees and talented directors are the main reasons of a successful functioning of a company.
<span>1 When I (woke) up, it (was) already ten o'clock. I (caledl) my brother. Nobody answered.
He had already left. 2. I (went) up to the Open window. The rain (had stopped</span><span>) and the sun (was
shining) brightly. The birds in the garden (were sing</span><span>ing) The morning (was) fine. 3. When the rain
(had) stopped I ( looked) out of the window and (saw) John who (was stand</span><span>ing) under a tree waiting
for me. 4. At this time yesterday I (was talk</span><span>ing) to my friend. 5. The TV programme (had begun) before
I ( came) home. 6. I (have not eaten) ice cream since summer. 7. I understood that she (had not read) my letter. 8. She (was do</span><span><span>ing</span>) the rooms when I ( came) home. 9. Has your mother ( returned)
from Work? Can I speak to her? 10. The cat (has drunk) al the milk which i had given it. 11. Last
summer we ( lived) in the country and (went) to the river every day.
Write the correct word.
What's your family like? you
My sisters have lots of things in their room. they
We aren't very close to our cousins. we
Does Alex see his great-grandfather every week? he
I don't know where my MP3 player is. I
Tell Jan that I've got her book. she
One day, the dog Sharik came cat Asya. Asya skazala- Ball Hello, can you have in the garden I will plant tomatoes How we will divide it? "."? "- Asked the ball." Let your tops and my roots "" Good. "-. Ball agreed.
When the tomatoes are ripe, Ball called Asya. "Let's divide the tomatoes." "Well, you're tops, and my roots." "It's not fair," dog-speak Sharik- "I can not eat tops!"
The ball was very angry, and Asya comes again to ask. "The ball, you can have in the garden I planted watermelons?". "Okay, but this time my roots and tops you!". "Well," replied Asya.
When watermelons are ripe, Ball Asya calls. "Let's share the watermelons," he says. He cuts the watermelon and put them in a bag. "You can take roots." Ball so angry with him that he was going to his house and did not communicate with anyone.
Дру́жба — личные бескорыстные взаимоотношения между людьми, основанные на любви, доверии, искренности, взаимных симпатиях, общих интересах и увлечениях. Обязательными признаками дружбы являются взаимность, доверие и терпение. Людей, связанных между собой дружбой, называют друзьями. Friendship is unselfish personal relationships between people, based on love, trust, sincerity, mutual sympathies, common interests and Hobbies. Mandatory signs of friendship are reciprocity, trust and patience. People connected by friendship, called friends.