Музыка...Издавна она вдохновляла великих людей:Моцарта, Шопена и т.д В современном мире музыка тоже играет важные роли. Например, у некоторых в домах мы можем наблюдать стиральные машины, которые, простираясь, играю различные мелодии, чтобы человек знал, что бельё уже чистое и нужно его поскорее высушить.В качестве гудка на мобильном телефоне, музыка также играет огромную важную роль. Но моё предпочтение в музыке.нет, не бунтарский рок и крики мужиков, как будто они вот только только съели чеснока, а потом обожгли руку.Ни расслобляющее регги, и даже не величественная классика.Всё своё предпочтение я отдаю вере сердючке и артуру пирожкову, моим кумирам и современникам поп музыки, настоящей поп музыки.
Music has long been ... she inspired greats: Mozart, Chopin, etc.In today's world music also plays an important role.For example, some in the houses we can see washing machines, which, stretching, playing different tunes that people knew that the clothes are already clean and need it quickly vysushit.V as a whistle on a mobile phone, music also plays a huge role.<span>But my preference muzyke.net not rebellious rock and shouts of men as if they are here only just ate garlic, and then burned ruku.Ni rassloblyayuschee reggae, and even majestic klassika.Vsё their preference I give faith Serduchka and Arthur Pirozhkova, my idol and pop music contemporaries, this pop music.</span>
1)The development of the serum was influenced by the workcarried out in the usa 2)The patient was injected with morphine. 3)the insideof lungs is inspected by using the doctor a bronchoscope/ 4)He was arreted for the misuse of drugs 5)The patient is being reffered to a consultunt by them. 6)Traces of the dtug were found in the blood sample by the lab 7)the artery was blocked by the blood clot. 8)Supplied of Drinking water were contiminated by the refuse from the factories. 9)High proportion of cancers was treated by surgery 10)His toes would be ampulated if gangrene sets in 11)he was banned by hisdocor for drinking alchogol 12)The patioents sometimes are hypnotized by their doctors 13)A new procedure for dealing wih parkinsons disease was developed 14)the solution should be heat to 25 15)He was ejected by the police of his medical record
1. The boss assured the staff they (would be told) about the coming changes. “You (will be told) of my future plans”, he said. 2. – Don’t worry! The burglars were caught by the police. – Hm, but they are sure they (will not be caught). 3. No one expected that the flight (will be delayed). 4. We felt happy that the car (would be repaired) the next day.