Food plays a very important role for everyone and different nations eat different meals, but the majority of countries have 3 main courses of meal: breakfast, lunch and dinner. The usual breakfast consists of different baked products, sweets, tea or coffee. The majority of people have breakfast between 8 and 9 hours. The next eating occasion is at about 12 hours and is considered, as the main one. During this time, people eat different kinds of soups, meat, fish, potato; vegetables and fruits are also very popular.
Is there any cities that are worth visiting? (Есть ли в России города, которые заслуживают посещения?)
Is there any customs in Russia?( Есть ли обычаи в России)
What should I say when I first introduced to a man? (Что мне следует говорить, когда я впервые познакомился с человеком?)
What's considered as politeness and what as rudeness?( Что считается вежливостью, а что грубостью?)
Which words should I learn to ask the most common questions?( Какие слова следует мне выучить, чтоб спрашивать наиболее распространенные вопросы?)
Meanwhile demand for other fairly <u>traded</u> but <u>unlabelled</u> (</span>причастия 2, определение<span>) non-food
goods such as handicrafts and textiles is also <u>growing</u>. (</span>причастие 1, часть сказуемого)</span>
Importers and exporters are constantly <u>seeking</u> (</span>причастие 1, часть сказуемого) his advice
on the strawberry market or how current weather in Britain could affect sales
of iceberg lettuce.</span>
This Czech company is <u>cooperating</u> (</span>причастие 1, часть сказуемого<span>) with some of the West`s largest companies, <u>importing</u>
and <u>distributing</u> (</span>причастие
1, определение) their
products in Easter markets.
А ДАННОМ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИИ НЕ НУЖНА ЗАПЯТАЯ, поэтому написала, что функция определения ))</span>
Working</u> (</span>причастие
1, определение) women
who want to succeed need to look chic and business-like.</span><span><span>Woolens
are soft when <u>made</u> (</span>причастие 2, обстоятельство<span>) of fine, high quality yarn.</span></span>
Рожок [h o:n]
один [a'laun]