1 did helen help her mother in the morning?
2 did ben climb this mountain last year?
3 did my friend speak English well?
4 did i read letter yesterday?
5 d7d peter write his essay?
6 did ann see this film?
7 did mary has lunch at one o'clock?
8did i watch tv yesterday?
9 did my granny work in the garden?
1. Big Ben is a clock.
2. Yes, it is.
The Bell Tower of Ivan the Great is the symbol of Russia. On the five tops of the Kremlin towers one can see shining ruby stars. The clock that strikes every quarter of an hour is on the Spassky Tower.
3. Yes, it is. It has a long and cruel history. The tall building is the White Tower, the oldest part of the Tower of London. The Bloody Tower has a history of blood.
4. Westminster Abby was founded by Edward the Confessor.
5. The English Parliament works in the Houses of Parliament.
The Russian Parliament works in the White House.
0) Встряхните плечами и поверните голову налево.
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9) Укажите на дверь указательным пальцем.
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Jim Carrey - the American-Canadian film actor, the screenwriter, the producer. I played in very many known movies, such as the Mask, Eys Ventur, Stupid and still growing dull, the Liar, the liar, Bruce Vsemogushchy and many other movies. Jim plays not only in comedy roles where he plays the fool, but also in serious movies. Favourite of millions.