Если будет снег, то завтра мы пойдем лепить снеговика.
Мама меня наругает, если я получу двойку.
Если Миша не успеет на тренировку , то ему придется пробежать три штрафных круга.
2. Can you ski? f No, I can't. I've never done any winter sports.
3. Could you swim when you were six? b Yes, I could. I first went in a pool when I was three.
4. Can I open the window, please? e Of course you can. It's really hot in here.
5. Listen! Can anybody hear the referee? f No, we can't. The fans are too noisy!
6. Could you email each other when you were younger? d No, we couldn't. We didn't have computers then.
Я старалась!!
2) working, 3) see, 4) eating, 5) helping, 6) doing, 7) getting, 8) trying, 9) wearing, 10) gardening, 11) doing
Ударить палкой - прямое значение
ударить в грязь лицом - переносное
море глубокое - прямое значение
море по колено - в переносном смысле
глотать воздух- в переносном значение
живая душа; вода - переносное
1)There were
5)there were
6)there was
7)there was
8)there were
9)there was
10)there was
11)there was
12)there were
13,14,15-there was