Однажды, очень быстрый заяц и очень медленная черепаха
I wake up in the morning and have a breakfast. I always have a butterbread and strawberry jam. I like strawberry jam very much. When I don't have it I often have tea with a cherry jam. But I don't eat it very much.
1. logical - illogical: Her speech was so illogical
2. responsible - irresponsible: I've never thought he's such an irresponsible person
3. believable - unbelievable: The pain was inbelievable
4. possible - impossible: It's impossible to sleep when you are surrounded by noise
5. active - inactive: Being inactive is not so good for your health
6. balanced - unbalanced: He became unbalanced after his dog died
7. forgettable - unforgettable: My wedding was an unforgettable occasion
If honestly, my parents not allways understand me. Of course, they are nice people, but sometimes they do not understand what I want. Sometimes they think, that other children are better, than I'm. But my mother understands me at all. I love my parents.
Перевод: Если честно, мои родители не всегда меня понимают. Конечно, они хорошие люди, но иногда они не понимают, чего я хочу. Иногда они считают, что другие дети лучше. Но моя мама всегда и во всём понимает меня. Я люблю своих родителей.
Bear - один медветь (единственное число)
Bears - много (множественное число)