She reads a book every evening
1Who reads a book every evening
2She reads a book every evening,doesn’t she
<span>3Does she read
a book every evening</span><span>4 Does She read a book or write letters every evening</span>
5What does she do every evening
<span>When does she read a book ?</span>
Will you help me after you do your exercises
When liz comes home
She will come home after performance
We will go to the country if the weather is fine
Nobody will come to your party if you don't invite them
The career counselor will not be able to help you if you don't answer her questions frankly
He will do this creative work if you help him with advice
I will give you a straight answer as soon as i her reliable information
Имя: Сара
возраст: 17 лет
рост : 1 метр 70 сантиметров.
цвет кожи: классический .
расса : Фури кошка.
занятие( работа): охотница за паронормальными явлениями
описание: голубые глаза, белые волосы забранные в два хвоста ,кошачьи уши , повязка.
одежда: белая толстовка , чёрная юбка ,чёрные сапоги
оружие: кинжалы, сабли , лазер
как то так
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