I have many friends.
I have a big black dog.
I have a nice mobile telephone.
I have a TV in my room.
1) Ездили ли вы куда-либо отдыхать?
2)Понравился ли вам ваш отпуск?
3)успели ли вы отдохнуть за время своего отпуска?
4) вели ли вы какие-нибудь кружки в свободное летнее время?
5) увиделись ли вы с дальники родными за этот периуд.
So Ufo, Mary the mouse, Peter the pig and Martin the rabbit walk on together. At last they meet a kind fox. The kind fox says: "Good morning! Please take me with you!" "Who are you?" "I am a kind fox. My name is Bess." "Come with us!" So Ufo, Mary the mouse, Peter the pig, Martin the rabbit and Bess the fox walk on together. At last they meet a funny bear. The funny bear says: "Good morning! Please take me with you!" Who is you? I am a strong bear! My name is Billy! "Come with us! So Ufo, Mary the mouse, Peter the pig, Martin the rabbit, Bess the fox and Billy the bear walk on together. And finally they come to a house in the forest. The house is big and nice. "Look! What house!" Says Ufo. "Welcome to Green Schoo !!" Mr Greenwood. And now six friends are students. They like their school very much. "I am a smart rabbit! My name is Martin
1)Excuse me,wat's the time,please?2)What's the matter?3)How may I help you?4) Excuse me, can you tell me where (Bogdanovich) Street is, please?5)What do you want?6)Could you do me a favor?7)Would you,please,keep an eye on my baggage?8)What's the trouble?9)Do you speak English?10)How are you?
Her doll
His computer
Her toys
His school bag
Their bedroom
Their playroom