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Бұл сіз көруге болатын ең әсерлі жерлердің бірі. Ішінде
Бүркіт көк аспанда көкке көтеріліп келеді. Кенеттен, у
қайтып келместен сағатына 120 мильге дейін шомылады
сұңқардың қолы. Өткір тырнақтарында қоянды ұстайды. Бұл
бұл қазақ даласы және бұл құс спорты.
Шұңқырлар 10 000 жылдан астам уақыт бұрын пайда болған дейді және тіпті келді
жазу өнертабысына дейін. Шыңғыс хан, 12-ші
ғасырдың Орта Азия мен Қытайды жаулап алушысы болды
жыртқыш құстар мен сұңқарларға қамқорлық жасау үшін.
First was a dark viscous, circle stank of damp... Sometimes we heard some banging and rustling, it came as if from the darkness of her depths. In these hours I my whole body felt the moisture, and with it a surge of strength. When it was over I felt like increasing my body as it bites into the darkness and it becomes less. One day I grew so much that broke through the darkness to the light. Up to this point I thought to continue to grow there's nowhere that I've reached the limit, but then I saw a new world - a bright, colorful, alive. Around me were the same trees as I do, but a lot more flying birds. At the top shone the sun, it seemed to call me to himself, to the top... I saw how pitiful I am in comparison with everyone around me, splendor. I was young and stupid and didn't understand much. Didn't understand why the birds disappear, then appear, Why all the heat-warmth and green, cold and white. But then I began to grow, and with growth became to know more... I already knew a lot and understood, the forest has become my family... But I wanted more, I got bored of the forest, sun, birds. I learned about people and although the reviews on them were different and contradictory, I held a good opinion about them. People know incredibly much and incredibly much able. I wanted to get to him more than anything, I saw their happiness.