<span><span>Louvre Museum in Paris
</span><span>Louvre Museum - is one of the largest art museums in the world. </span><span>But the Louvre was not always a museum. </span><span>The very first construction of its architectural ensemble - Large Tower Louvre - the castle-fortress, built in 1190 to protect the lower reaches of the Seine from the incursions of the Viking Age. </span><span>Over the next centuries the Louvre several times being completed. </span><span>Thus, under Louis XIV, he became more in as many as four times. </span><span>It is true, then the "Sun King" for some reason decided not to live in the Louvre, and made his new residence of Versailles. </span><span>Since the beginning of the XVIII century also began to sound more and more proposals to transform the Louvre into a museum.
</span><span>Today, the Louvre museum funds account for almost 400,000 units. </span><span>Here is the collection of the artifacts brought back from the entire territory from Western Europe to Iran through Greece, Egypt and the Middle East. </span><span>Exposition of the Louvre to the period up to 1848. </span><span>Exhibits other eras are located in other museums in the capital. </span><span>Among the most famous - the code of Hammurabi, the Venus de Milo, Mona Lisa, a series of paintings by Rembrandt, Titian and other masterpieces of world art, and historical sites. </span><span>Due to its popularity the Louvre Museum in Paris, often appears in the plots of literary works and feature film scripts.</span></span>
Там нужно прочитать рассказ,а потом делать
<span>Задание №1.
1. Europe.
2. North America.
3. Russia.
4. Sweden
5. the United Kingdom
6. the Alps
7. the British Isles
8. Moscow
9. the Caucasus
10. Madrid
11. the Pacific Ocean
12. the Volga
13. the Amazon
14. the Black Sea
15. Lake Onega
16. Baikal
17. Great Britain
18. Scotland
Задание №2.
1. Jane plays football on Saturday.
2. He sleeping now.
3. We often go to the country on summer.
4. My sister eats sweets every day.
5. My brother is working in the garden now
Задание №5.
1. The rain just stoped and we can go for a walk.
2. Ann already has bought tickets to the cinema.
3. I bought these books yesterday.
4. We traveled around Europe last year.
5. I have seen Peter today.
Задание №10.
1. POLLUTion is one of the most serious world’s problems of our day.
2. The young woman didn’t know where to look for </span>PROTECTion<span>
3. Some of the first </span>ENVIRONMENTal<span> organizations in the world started in Britain.
4. It was a very </span>DANGERous<span> journey.
Задание №12.
1. She said she meets her friend every day.
2. He said that he will phone me tomorrow.
3. He said he saw her yesterday.
4. She said she will write a letter to her aunt tomorrow.</span>