slim - стройный
thin - худощавый
skinny - худой, тощий
welt-built- хорошо сложенный
plump - пухлый
fat - толстый
heavily built- крепкого телосложения
young - молодой
old - старый
elderly - пожилой
short - невысокий
spike - колючий
straight - прямой
shoulder - length - до плеч (длина волос)
long - длинный
blond - белокурый
red - рыжий
brown - коричневый
остальное я не успею написать
1. How much money do I spend on texts a week?
2. How many texts was I sending a week when things were really out of control?
3. <span>That was during a period of real insecurity in my relationship with my girlfriend, wasnt it?
4. Has it </span><span>certainly been much easier since she and I went our separate ways?
5. What was I </span>referred to after my boss discovered my problem?
6. What was my problem?
7. <span>I decided to resign rather than face disciplinary procedures, didn`t I?
8. What does my </span><span>counselor say?
9. Is it </span><span> certainly easy to get hooked on texting?
10. What game does it look like?</span>
We have got a dog. The dog is here.
"Сколько стоит билет в кино?"
She wondered if I had spent my holidays in the countryside.