Перевод слова "перевод":
The story of Canada goes back over 400 years.
None of the information was in the book.
1. We received this letter from Continental Equipment a week ago.
2. When we receive your confirmation, we will open the letter of credit.
3. I wantto test this equipment.
received - <u>Past Simple Active (простое прошедшее, активный залог)</u>, инфинитив - to recieve;
receive - <u>Present Simple Active (простое настоящее, активный залог)</u>, инфинитив - to recieve;
will open - <u>Future Simple Active (простое будущее, активный залог)</u>, инфинитив - to open;
to test - <u>Simple Infinitive Active </u>(простой инфинитив в активном залоге).