1) home, 2) home, 3) house, 4) house, 5) home, 6) house, 7) home, 8) houses
Со словами с ar пишем are,Потом Not,Copy,hotel, и Mexico
1 as big as
2 the shortest person
3 the most independent person
4 ...more comfortable than ours
5the tallest
6 older
7 the best
1. Великобритания, самый большой остров Европы, состоит из Англии, Шотландии и Уэльса(в этом предложении ответ а))
2. Многие корабли и баржи ходят вверх и вниз по реке(здесь ответ б))
3. Соединенное Королевство одна из самых индустриализованных стран в мире(ответ в)
<span>1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland occupies the British Islands.
2. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on the Earth.
3. The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.
4. The Great Lakes consist of five lakes: Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario.
5. My dream is to visit the Canaries one day.
6. Lake Ontario is the smallest of the Great Lakes.
7. The Moscow is a river that moves very slowly.
8. The Pacific Ocean is very deep.
9. Kiev is to the south of Moscow.
10. - What is the longest river in the word?
- It’s the Amazon. This river is in South America. It flows into the Atlantic Ocean on the north coast of Brazil.