Ответ:В таком порядке:on, at, at, on, on, on, on, on.
Могу ли я увидеть мистера Джексона, пожалуйста?
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Hot summer a Bobcat sleeping under a tree. But this time out of the hole the mouse came out and wanted to climb over the lynx. Lynx woke up and grabbed the mouse.the mouse begged to let her go.- If you let me go, ' she said, and I'll come in handy someday, I will do thee good.On these speeches the lynx laughed, but the mouse is released.And once the lynx got into the hunting network and could not get out of them. Scary lynx growled and struggled in the chains, but was confused more and more.The mouse heard the roar of the lynx. She gathered all the mice - their dresa. They tore the network and released a lynx. Now you see, - said the lynx mouse - I can also to do good. I have not forgotten how you let me go and not eaten.