1.five:forty five; 2. past quarter to six
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<span>4 and he often lived near to poverty
1 yet during his lifetime he was largely ignored and often called mad
5 that one cannot be properly understood without the other
for him the vision were real and directly inspired and guided his art
3 his visionary powers transformed everything around him
6 which contain some of the simplest and most beautiful lyrics in the English language
2 he never quite left home
<span>6. Della was hurrying from shop to shop looking for a
present for Jim. 7. The other day my sister and I (went
shopping together. We entered a big shop in Arbat street.
While my sister was choosing a new hat, I looked
for a pair of gloves. 8. The moment he heard
the news, Jim called me by telephone. 9. Just as I was leaving for home, a student (to stopped me in the hall. <span>10.
When I last saw her she was hurrying along the
road to the station. I asked her where she was going
and she said to London, but I don’t think she told the truth because there was not any train to London at
that time.</span></span>