My house .
I alwayswished that we had a big house , I hopewhen we move to either be your home!
In the houseprobably will have six large and comfortable rooms . I would like to have her own roomwhere I would be comfortable furniture . I wish that there was a large and comfortable bed,soft carpet , a computer desk and a large closet .
In the housewill have a kitchen , four bedrooms , living room andbath . Downstairs is a kitchen and living room and bath on the second and fourbedrooms. In the kitchen is a gas cooker, a large table for the whole family ,sink, cupboard where it will be my grandmother's set, refrigerator and chairs. The bedrooms are cozy beds , wardrobes , carpets and other furniture . In the living roomlarge sofa, a warm fireplace , and on it a TV and coffee table . In the bathwill wash basin , large mirror,own bathroom and toilet. And when you go outthe courtyard there is a large and beautiful garden, which raised my grandmother . Ingarden will be flying butterflies, dragonflies and other insects that are pleasing to the eye . Ingrandmother in the garden a lot of beautiful trees. There are apple, pear, plumbushes, raspberry bushes, and even palm trees ! I think we 'll move when be<span>in the big house !</span>
I like to skiing
I like to make a snowmen with my friends
I like to decorate house with my family
I like to help my mother to cook holiday dinner
I like to celebrate Christmas
Rrabits can
Pigs can skip
Foxes can swim
1) Where do you live?
2) What was the first gift that you has brought to my mother?
3) What are the names of your horses?
4) How old are you?
5) Do you have your own children?