Полынь, солянка, лебеда, верблюжья
колючка - сорные травы прекрасно
перемалываются в жерновах верблюжьего
желудка. От форс-мажорных ситуаций
верблюда спасают жировые отложения в
горбах, которые эквивалентны 700-800
килограммам хорошего сена. При хорошем
уходе верблюд может служить человеку
25-30 лет, не требуя взамен ничего, кроме
гуманного к себе отношения да легкого
навеса в период самых сильных холодов.
Я здоровый человек.я не курю,не пью,не принимаю наркотики.Я питаюсь правильно.Моё увлечение фитнес.Я советую ток всем)))
2. Has your brother got a maths exam on Friday?
- Yes, he has. He isn't very happy. (e)
3. Have we got two exercises for homework?
- No, we haven't. We've got three. (c)
4. Has the school got a new science laboratory?
- No, it hasn't. It's go a new music room. (d)
5. Have they got an interesting geography book?
- Yes, they have. It's about mountains. (b)
I THESE seamEn live in Riga.
THEY have little free time.
б) This engineer workS in the chart -room now.
The motorman keeps regular watches in the engine room of a ship.
1.Who keeps regular watches in the engine room of a ship?
2. What does the motorman do in the engine room of a ship?
3. Where does the motorman keep regular watches ?
4. In what room does the motorman keep regular watches?
5. What does the motorman keep in the engine room of a ship?
6. What kind of watches does the motorman keep in the engine room of the ship?
7. Does the motorman keep regular watches in the engine room of the ship?
Doesnt buy
Do you buy your own clothes?
Where do you study?
Does your best friend like Maths?
Do your neighbours go on holiday?
Do your parents listen to music?