С 1 до 8 просто переписать слова (без изменения)
9) are swimming
10) is sitting
11) eating
12) is flying
13) is having
14) is giving
15) is watching
1)Sometimes a vet can be a dangerous job if you try to cure a lion or a tiger. 8. 2)Only kind people who love animals can become a vet.
3)</span><span>ll vets must know information about animals. their body. food and a lot of more
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Перевод :У меня был друг которого звали Петя . Мы с ним дружились с самого детского сада . Мы любили играть с ним в догонялки. Мы всегда бегали , прыгали и играли в прятки . После садика мы всегда ходили с мамами на игровую площадку . Петя был курносым .Он был кучерявыми блондином. Мы с ним всегда улыбались смотря друг на друга . Но один раз он заболел и пришлось у ехать в другую страну и больше я его не видел .
сам текст:
I had a friend whose name was Peter . We be friends since kindergarten . We loved to play tag with it. We always ran , jumped and played hide and seek . After kindergarten we always went with their mothers to the Playground . Peter was a snub .He was curly blonde. We always smiled looking at each other . But once he got sick and had to go to another country and I did not see him .
Ну если коротенечко, то вроде так:
Has your aunt put in a bathroom?
Has your aunt repainted the doors and windows?
Has your aunt bought new furniture?
Have you decorated the rooms?
Have you brought a computer?
Has your aunt put carpets on the floor?
Have you planted the garden?