<span>1. If a dish that you want to try, is far not Tanis toward him across the table: ask sitting around him he could give it to you. By the way, according to the laws of etiquette you should care for the neighbour, who is sitting to your right.
2. Ugly to lend a hand through a neighbor or pull yourself dish over the table.
3. Using a common meal, sugar, salt, immediately put them back in place, leaving no longer on your device.
4. Food meals should be taken in appropriate quantity, remembering about the others seated at the table. On the plate should be put as much as you can eat.
5. Getting up from the table, do not immediately hurry to leave; if you are really waiting for urgent matters, warn about his soon resignation in advance.</span>
1. Если блюдо, которое ты хочешь попробовать, находится далеко, не тянись к нему через весь стол: попроси сидящего поблизости человека передать его тебе. Кстати, по законам этикета ты должен ухаживать за соседкой, которая сидит справа от тебя.
2. Некрасиво протягивать руку через соседа или придвигать к себе блюдо через весь стол.
3. Воспользовавшись общим блюдом, сахарницей, солонкой, тут же поставь их на прежнее место, не оставляя надолго у своего прибора.
4. Еду с блюда нужно брать в соответствующем количестве, помня об остальных сидящих за столом. На тарелку следует класть столько, сколько можно съесть.
<span>5. Встав из-за стола, не стоит сразу же спешить уйти; если тебя действительно ждут неотложные дела, предупреди о своём скором уходе </span>
<span>Charles Dodgson was a brother of the famous English writer Lewis Carroll.
2) False - это был его псевдоним
Charles Dodgson had different hobbies.
1) True - да, у него было очень много любимых занятий
Charles Dodgson was the oldest child in the family.
3) Not stated - не сказано, каким по счету ребенком в семье он был
Charles Dodgson enjoyed his years in the boarding schools very much.
2) False - нет, он вспоминал годы, проведенные в интернате, без особой теплоты - he remembered his boarding school experience without any warm feelings.
Charles Dodgson was a good mathematician
1) True - да, он был хорошим математиком - In 1854 Charles Dodgson got a 1st class degree in Mathematics and one year later he became a lecturer in Mathematics at Christ Church College.
Charles Dodgson invented fantastic stories for his friend’s daughters.
1) True - да, он рассказывал их для дочерей своего друга
Charles Dodgson’s children enjoyed reading his books about Alice.
3) Not stated - ничего не сказано о детях Чарльза
Charles Dodgson travelled a lot around the world.
2) False - он только один раз выезжал в Россию в 1867 г.</span>
During sleep, a person periodically alternating two main phases: slow and fast sleep, and in the beginning of the sleep duration prevails slow phase, and before awakening - increasing the duration of REM sleep. Polysomnography showed that sleep most people consists of 4-6 wavelike cycles, lasting 80-100 minutes.
Children can have different hobbies.Some children collect toys or postcards, some children like to read or play.My hobby is reading.Also I attend drawing club.I like to read books for children.I also like to go for walks in the park.I usually make pictures when I walk.Making photos is my hobby, too. <span>Переклад:
Діти можуть мати різні хобі.
Деякі діти збирають іграшки та листівки, деякі діти люблять читати або грати.
Моє хобі читання.
Також я відвідую курси малювання.
Мені подобається читати книги для дітей.
Мне нравится читать книги для детей.
Я також люблю ходити на прогулянку в парк.
Я зазвичай роблю фотографії, коли я йду.
Створення фотографії це моє хобі теж.</span>
<span>I’ve been looking for the restaurant all
afternoon, but I can’t figure out <span>where it is.
The drummer was supposed to come by 9:00, but he didn’t </span>show up<span> until after 10:00.
I was walking along the Seine when I </span>ran into<span> my old friend from
high school.
At the restaurant I expected my boss to </span>pay for <span>the meal, but we ended up splitting it 50-50.
They told me the battery would last 100 hours, but I didn’t </span>go along with<span> it. I knew it was a lie.
He kept asking me to go bungee jumping with him. Every time he asked me I said
no, but finally I </span>gave in<span> and we went.
You should </span>put on<span> your dancing shoes when you go
She always </span>talks down to<span> her colleagues. She thinks she’s so much better than everyone else.
I knew that he was lying, but I </span>fell for <span>what he was saying, because I could tell he wanted to
help the boy.
Once you go inside you should </span>take off<span> your hat.
He had a really hard time. He was in the hospital for almost a month. They
thought he was going to die. </span>But he pull through<span>
and now he’s completely healed.</span></span>