Ну щас попробую сделать что нибудь сама буду придумывать чтообы ты два не получила)))
Тебе перевод нужен?
Подумай. что не правильно? Напиши про эту картинку.
1.Evan was a child when he collected stamps.
2.My mum told me to do my homework.
3.We didn't pay for the tickets.
4.Where did you go yesterday.
5.Who taugh you to play chees.
6.Did this weekend play games.
7.She choose to join the maths club.
8.We ate dinner and went to bed.
"My day starts like this.I get up at 8:00 am and go to the bathroom to wash.After I do exercises.When I'm done
charging I'm going to have Breakfast with the whole family, and at 12:00 I go to walk the dogs with friends.Usually I come at 13:30 and I'm sitting at the computer .A little while, I'm starting to do homework.When all the lessons I made POM Agay mom with homework.And dinner .I then go about their business.Then got on to bed and fall asleep.