Where do your parents watch TV?
They watch TV in living room
When do you go to the theatre?
I usually go on Sunday
What music does your friend listen?
My friend listens pop music
What sport does your sister play?
She plays tennis
What games does your father play?
My father plays chess
What competitions does your brother go?
He goes to competitions in track and field athletics.
How often do you go to the cinema?
I usually go once a week
What TV programmes do your parents watch?
They watch news.
1) в английском языке не знаю но в русском: приставочным, суффиксальным , приставочно суффиксальным , сложением двух основ И так далее .
2) оксфордский словарь содержит более 600000 значений слов.
Про Юру который живет в москве играет в банбинтом с папой и сестрой он и хорошо плавает ест полезную еду и не ест чипсы и гамбургеры
В далёком 1980-ом, Ник Лисон был денежным трэйдером.
Nick said that Jake and Karen had bought a house in the countryside.
The news reporter said that burglars had broken into the museum previous night.
Ryan said that hid dad was mowing the lawn while I was cleaning the car.
Rory said to us that Julia and Jose would move to Australia the following year.