Я имею очень красивый портфель!Он ярко-розовый.сбольшимы красивими цветами.К тому же он чень большой.Туда у меня всегда все помещаеться.МНе нравиться мне мой потфель,а теперь включи переводчик и преведи
Scotland (Eng. And Scotts Scotland, Gaelic. Alba) - in the past (before 1707), an independent kingdom in northern Europe, now - the most autonomous (possessing its own parliament, the legal system and the state church, and others.) From all the countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Scotland occupies the north of the island of Great Britain, bordered by land with England.
The capital of Scotland - Edinburgh.
<span>The Scottish Parliament - a unicameral legislature of Scotland. The emergence of the Scottish Parliament of the Kingdom of the XIII century. In 1707, after the union of England and Scotland into a single Kingdom of Great Britain Parliament ceased to exist and was restored only in 1999, according to the Scottish Act of 1998.</span>
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