Исключения! <span>1) названия некоторых стран и местностей: the Ukraine Украина; the Argentine Аргентина; the Congo Конго; the Caucasus Кавказ; the CrimeaКрым; the Hague Гаага и др.;</span><span>2) Артикль the с официальными названиями стран, включающими такие слова, как republic, union, kingdom, states, emirates, а также с географическими названиями стран во множественном числе: the German Federal Republic Германская Федеративная Республика; the Russian Federation Российская Федерация; the United Kingdom = the UK Объединенное Королевство; the United States of America = the USAСоединенные Штаты Америки; the United States Соединенные Штаты; the United Arab Emirates Объединенные Арабские Эмираты; theNetherlands Нидерланды; the Philippines Филиппины;</span><span>3) с названиями континентов, стран, городов, если они имеют индивидуализирующее определение: the Moscow of the 17th century Москва XVII века; the <u>Europe</u> of the Middle Ages средневековая Европа. С прочими именами собственными! </span><span><span>1) <u>улиц и площадей</u>: Broadway Бродвей, Wall Street Уолл-стрит; Trafalgar Square Трафальгарская площадь ( в Лондоне), Red Square Красная площадь;</span><span>2) <u>мостов и парков</u>: <span>Westminster Bridge </span>Вестминстерский мост; Hyde Park Гайд парк в Лондоне, <span>Central Park </span>Центральный парк в Нью-Йорке;</span><span>3) <u>аэропортов</u>, <u>морских портов</u>, <u>станций ж/д и метро</u>: London Airport Лондонский аэропорт; Kennedy (Airport) аэропорт Кеннеди; London PortЛондонский порт; Paddington Station станция Паддингтон;</span><span>4) <u>учебных заведений</u> (университеты, колледжи и т.п.): Columbia University Колумбийский университет, Cambridge Кембридж, Oxford Оксфорд;</span><span>5) <u>журналов</u>: Time Magazine, National Geograohic – журналы.</span><span>6) <u>исключения</u> (встреч. иногда): the Arbat Арбат (в Москве), the Garden Ring Садовое кольцо (в Москве), the Via Manzoni улица Манзони (в Милане); the Gorki Park парк имени М. Горького (в Москве) и др.</span> <span><span>II<span> </span>Определенный артикль the</span> употребляется с названиями:</span><span><span>1) </span><u>сооружений</u> и отдельных <u>уникальных зданий</u><span>: </span>the<span> Great Wall of China, the Ostankino Television Tower, the Kremlin, the Tower, the White House,the Winter Palace, the Royal Palace;</span></span>У этого правила много исключений, особенно если название сооружения или здания содержит определение, выраженное именем собственным (имя человека или название населенного пункта): Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park, London Zoo, Edinburgh Castle и т.д.<span>2) <u>театров</u>, <u>кинотеатров</u>, <u>концертных залов</u>, <u>оркестров</u>, <u>клубов</u>: the Royal Opera House Королевский оперный театр, the Bolshoy Theatre Большой театр;</span><span>3) <u>картинных галерей</u>, <u>музеев</u>, <u>памятников</u>: the National Gallery Национальная картинная галерея, the Tretyakov Gallery Третьяковская галерея;the British Museum Британский музей, the<span> Hermitage </span>Эрмитаж; the<span> Washington Monument </span>памятник Вашингтону , the<span> Lincoln Memorial</span>Мемориал Линкольна;</span><span>4) <u>гостиниц, ресторанов</u>: the Metropole гостиница "Метрополь", the Savoy гостиница "Савой", the Hilton гостиница "Хилтон", the "Astoria"гостиница "Астория";</span><span>5) <u>кораблей</u>, <u>музыкальных групп</u>: the Titanic корабль "Титаник", the "Queen Mary" корабль "Королева Мария", the "Cutty Sark" клипер "Катти Сарк"; the Beatles группа "Битлз";</span><span>6) большинства <u>газет</u>: the Guardian газета "Гардиан", the Times газета "Таймс", the Washington Post "Вашингтон Пост". Не принято употреблять артикль с названиями газет там, где его нет в языке оригинала: Izvestia газета "Известия".</span><span>7) <u>государственных учреждений</u>, <u>организаций</u> и <u>политических партий</u>: the Labour Party Лейбористская партия, the United Nations OrganizationОрганизация Объединенных Наций, the Red Cross Красный Крест, the Greens "зеленые", the Democratic Party Демократическая партия.</span><span>Традиционно артикль не используется со словом Parliament парламент (в Англии); NATO; может быть опущен перед словом (The)Congress (в США).</span></span><span> ЧИТАЙ ВНИМАТЕЛЬНО.</span>
1.Don't look up <span>the words in the dictionary. It is prohibited. </span>2. Are you listening to the radio, or can I turn it off? 3. Tom never drinks coffee. 4. Nobody knows the answer to this question. 5. None of my friends is sleeping now. 6. Most of my classmates studies well. 7.Don't make noise. The baby is sleeping. 8. He is always glad to see me. I like to meet him as well. 9.What are you doing?- I am writing a letter to my friend. I write to him twice a week. 10. Paul does not like classical music. He never listens to it. He listens to rock music. At the moment he is listening to Pammstein. 11. Few of my friends are good at English. They think they do not need it. 12. Paul and Mary are standing by the window. They are talking about the weather. They often talk about the weather because they never know what to talk about. 13. Look! It is snowing! The ground and the roofs are all write! <span>14. Ben is a bus driver. He drives a nice coach. He doen't often drive a car. But now he is driiving his own "Niva". </span> 15. Ted! You look exhausted! What time do you go to bed? 16. My daughter usually goes sleeping at half past ten. But it is a quarter to eleven now and she isn't sleeping. She has not finished her report on history. 17. What an exciting story it is! 18. The more he learns French, the more new words he comes to know. 19. There is no money in Ann's purse. She phone her cousin to borrow a little. Generally, she seldom asks people for money as she lerans a lot. <span>20. It is eight o'clock in the morning. We are having breakfast. We always have breakfast at this time.</span>
1. They lived in Moscow two years ago. 2. You liked his new book, didn't you ? No. 3. What magazines did he want to show me yesterday in the evening? 4. We did not translate this text last week, did we? No, we did! 5. Did he work on this factory three years ago? 6. Did you look through these documents yesterday? Yes. 7. You thanked him, didn't you? Yes I did. 8. He showed you his new picture, didn't he? Yes he did. 9. He worked on the factory last year, didn't he? Yes. And now he is studying in the institute. 10. When did he returned from st. Petersburg ? A week ago. How long has he been there? For five days. 11. Where did you go yesterday after the lessons? To the shop. I wanted Ann to go with me but she wasn't at home. 12. Who bought the present for Jane? Bill did. 13. He had got lessons yesterday, didn't he? 14. She hadn't time for walking.
Hello Hello You want to go to the cinema? No, I prefer theatre, but... What film do you like? Comedia), and you? Detectiv bestofall) Ok, I go to Detectiv with you It's cool. See you soon. Ну как то так)