1 He was watching TV while she was making dinner.
2 He entered the institute two years ago.
3 She will go to school in a month.
4 What will you do tomorrow?
5 By the 8th grade they had already been good friends.
6 What are you doing?
7 They have been learning the Russian language for 3 years.
8 We have met our friends this week.
9 I remember nothing now.
10 If I see you tomorrow, I will tell you everything.
1. head
2. arm
I can see that man
Now I watch film
let's have a look at she.she is my wife
I know that tomorrow took
* For many, watching a movie is easier than reading a book.
* Cinema has excellent logistics.
* Cinema tickets are cheap. Morning and afternoon sessions.
* Cinema is a great way to switch, unload your head, cheer up.
* A talented movie can turn your view of the world or on some things.
* From the movie tired eyes (stronger than from books).
* "The book is better." Often it is.
* You can lose a few days, moving from one movie to another and slightly fooling.
* You can lose a few days, moving from one movie to another and slightly fooling.
* Mass cinema is often not art, but dull entertainment.
1)2.он никогда не был в Лондоне до этого времени
4.она еще напишет письмо сегодня
5.я только что закончил делать дз
2)1.она купила новую обувь(pr.perf)
2.она покупает каждый год новую пару обуви(Present simple)
3)она купила эту пару обуви месяц назад(past simple)
4)она купит коричневые ботинки завтра(Future simple)
5)смотри,она покупает ботинки(Pr.cont)