Once upon a time there lived two cousins.They were called Masha and Liza.Masha lived in a little hole in a country house.Liza lived in a hole in a big town house. One day Masha vizited her Liz.Hello!Come in said Liz. i thing, you'll love the town. It's so interesting here! Liz made a fantastic dinner of jam, biscuts.But Masha didn't like the food-it was too Strawberry, bilberry for her. At night Masha didn't sleep. In the morning she said goodbye to her cousin anb went home.
The Russian children usually start to go to school when they are 7 years old. First the children learn at the elementary school. They visit the elementary school for four years. The children get there the elementary education.
The fifth form means the beginning of the secondary education. The children learn different subjects, for example Biology, Literature, Chemistry, Physics, Informatics.
After graduating from school or college our young people can enter universities or institutes, where they get higher education.
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I always liked to play tricks on classmates.I would say that the teacher was ill and the lesson is not,stealing other people's work and passed off their.but one day I got sick in class,I choked.everyone laughed at me and didn't believe me.I went to the hospital.and since then I have learned that lying is bad<span>.</span>