The room I occupy is spacious and bright. The Windows are curtained with snow-white tulle framed by curtains of a light brown shade. Wallpaper, yellow and orange, reminiscent of the light of the sun, which always contributes to a good mood. Furniture-least. There was a Desk in the left corner and a chest of drawers beside it. Cupboard and sofa-right, and near doors is worth Ottoman. The walls are hung with a variety of photos. Some of them are my own trips and hikes, others are the sights of Russian cities, caught in the lens of my camera. Colorful pictures tell about the descents of the rivers of Karelia: stunning sunsets and sunrises, and foam streams, and happy faces of friends around the campfire. All photos as Museum expositions, from time to time I update. In order to make it interesting for friends to visit me, and to diversify my life. Visits friends call me fun. And I am very pleased to see them off.
I've been in Russia already several times, but I guess every time something special happens. I came across a lot of kind and friendly people this time. Of course I've made some new contacts and had a great time sharing my experience with my family upon my road home. I tried national food, went sightseeing each day, moreover - I took a bunch of good photos for my friends to show them beauties of this country. I've visited Moscow and Snt.Petersburg. Those are the most crowded cities I've ever been to! No lies. But at the same time I felt like I am in the center of the world and unconsciously participate in the life of the thousand people.
All I can tell you - I would be happy as no one to return back there. I loved Russia so much, word can't describe my enjoyment.
Hope, I helped you ( ;
<span>7. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп Perfect или Perfect Continuous. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Someone has switched on the TV. Кто-то включил телевизор.
2. He is the most interesting person I have ever met). Он самый интересный человек, которого я когда-либо встречал.
3. I am tired now. I have been cleaning the house all morning. Я устал. Я занимался уборкой дома все утро.
4. When we arrived at the station, our train has left). Когда мы приехали на вокзал, наш поезд ушел).
Задание № 8. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык. Выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму. Напишите форму инфинитива глагола.
1. He has been learning French since he was five.
</span>has been learning - Present Perfect Continuous глагола to learn<span>
2. I know you are taking an advanced geography course now.
</span> are taking - Present Continuous глагола to take<span>
3. It has been raining since early morning.
has been raining - </span>Present Perfect Continuous глагола to rain<span>
4. BBC experts invented a new system that lets the deaf understand television programmes.
invented - Pa</span>st Simple глагола to envent
understand - Present Simple глагола to understand<span>
5. By the sixteenth century a new economic system had replaced feudalism.
had resplaced - </span>Present Perfect глагола to replace<span>
6. The number of people without work is rising very fast.
is rising - </span>Present Continuous глагола to rise<span>
1. Он изучает французский с пяти лет.2. Я знаю, что вы сейчас изучаете курс географии.3. Дождь идет с раннего утра. 4. Эксперты Би-би-Си изобрели новую систему, которая позволяет глухим людям понимать телевизионные программы. 5. К шестнадцатому веку новая экономическая система заменила феодализм.6. Количество людей без работы растет очень быстро.
Задание № 9. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык. Подчеркните модальные глаголы.
1. I was so tired but I could not sleep. Я очень устал, но не мог спать (уснуть).
2. I had to go to the bank yesterday to get some money. Вчера мне пришлось идти в банк, чтобы взять немного денег.
3. You should wash your hands before cooking. Вы должны (вам следует) мыть руки перед тем, как готовить пищу.
4. I must hurry.</span> Я должен спешить.
1. He will go on a coach to the mountains on Monday.
2. He will go skiing in the mountains on Tuesday.
3. He will visit the old castle on Wednesday.
4. He will visit the fair on Thursday.
5. He will swim in the river on Friday.
6. He will go home on Saturday.
3. Phoned