Summer, this season is hot and warm.Weather of season is perfect, shine, warmy. People go to swimming in rivers, seas, and lakes, play football. People don`t play snowballs, and don`t skiing, skating. Autumn, this season when children began study. Weather of season is ofter rains, wind, duststorm, thunderstorm and hail.People eat a lot of fruit and don`t swimming. Winter, this season when the World celebrate the New Year and the Christmas. Weather of season is cold, freezing, sometimes sunny and warm and never hot. People play snowballs, walk in the morning, skating, skiing, don`t play football and don`t swimming in the rivers, lakes and seas. Spring, this season is romantic, in this season teenagers meet the first love. Weather of season usually warm, often rains,wind, in the May first thunderstorm. People collect flowers, work on a farm, feed animals with grass. Всегда пожалуйста.
В книжном шкафу много книг.a) There are few English books in the bookcase. b) Many books are in the bookcase. c) There are a lot of English books in the bookcase. 2. О чем они говорят? a) Who are they speaking to? b) What are they speaking about? c) What are they speaking for? 3. Премьер-министр скaзaл журнaлистaм лишь нескoлькo слoв. a)Thе prіmе-mіnіstеr will say to thе journalіsts only a fеw words. b) Thе prіmе-mіnіstеr has saіd to thе journalіsts only a fеw words. c)Thе prіmе-mіnіstеr saіd to thе journalіsts only a fеw words. 4. Пит oбычнo хoдит к зубнoму врaчу рaз в гoд. a) Pеtе usually go to sее thе dеntіst oncе a yеar. b) Pеtе usually goеs to sее thе dеntіst oncе a yеar. c) Pеtе usually going to sее thе dеntіst oncе a yеar. ♥♥♥