Can we take a walk<span>????????????????????????????????????????????????</span>
B<span>obby was a small farm dog. For years he worked in the country and took care of the sheep with his master Jack. Bobby was very devoted to his master. </span>
<span>When Jack was too old to work, he went away and lived his last years in the city. Bobby didn't want to live on the farm without his master. He ran away and went to the city to find his old friend. He looked for him in many places and at last found Jack. After that Bobby didn't leave him. </span>
<span>Jack was very poor, and ill. But sometimes he went to the pub 4md took Bobby with him. The landlord of the pub liked the friendly little dog and often gave him some food. </span>
<span>One day old Jack died and nobody saw Bobby for some time. Then the landlord of the pub saw him near his house and as usual gave him some food. Bobby took the food and ran away. After that the landlord gave Bobby food many times and every time Bobby took the food and ran away. </span>
<span>One day the landlord went after him. Bobby took him to the town cemetery. There the landlord found that the dog lived on the grave of his old master. He was there every day in good weather and bad. </span>
<span>Soon everybody in the city knew about Bobby. Many people visited him in the cemetery and many children made friends with him. He lived for a long time — until he was 22 years old. When he died, they buried him in that cemetery and put up a statue on his grave with the name and dates of the small dog's life. </span>
Insert “much”, “many”, “little”, “few”, “a little”, “a few”. Вставьте местоимения “much”, “many”, “little”, “few”, “a little”, “
Кристина0о [17]
Much - с существительными, которые нельзя сосчитать
many - с существительными, которые можно сосчитать
1. much/few
2. few, many
3. little
4. little
5. much
6. many
7. many/a few
Lat summer was realy great as i had a fantstic journey: my family and I have been flown to Egupt by plane. It was my first flight that impressed me so much especially when I looked down from the planes window the view is so picturesque. It's unforgetable filling to fly over the clouds.
In this pool are engaged in water aerobics. There are boys and girls. There is a coach on the platform. They have dumbbells. I like to do it!