Do относится к действиям и различным работам, например:
1. Делать домашнюю работу.
2. Гладить белье.
3. Мыть посуду.
Make относится к процессу создания, творения. Например:
1. Шить одежду.
2. Готовить завтрак.
Также есть множество устойчивых с этими глаголами, которые нужно просто запомнить.
Его создал древний народ кельты , на территории современной Северной Ирландии и Великобритании появился праздник хэллоуин
1. We wish we had a knife to cut the rope.
2. Rick wishes he didn't get bitten by <span>mosquitoes.
3. She regrets she didn't eat breakfast.
4. Bob wishes he could go fishing with friends.
5. William regrets he left his lifejacket at home.
6. Alice wishes she didn't stay in the sun too long. </span>
<em>Every year, during Spring, the South West England Gloucester region hosts the annual cheese-rolling event where people from far and wide travel to watch competitors launch themselves down a hill in pursuit of a round of cheese.It’s pretty self-explanatory – a nine pound round of Double Gloucester cheese is rolled from the very top of the hill and competitors chase after it down to the bottom.</em>
1 When does my brother get up?
2 Who do sometimes go fishing?
3 Where did they are last month?
4 Where will they go next week?
5 What did Nick is doing at eight yesterday?
6 How much do we ski and skate in winter?
7 What have I just did?
8 What does she do?
9What will Mike do?