Mars реднее расстояние от солнца - 227,7 млн км (12,5 световых минут)
Диаметр по экватору - 6780 км
Масса - 6,42x1023 кг
Масса по сравнению с землей - 0,107 массы Земли
Площадь поверхности по сравнению с землей - 0,284 площади Земли
Объем по сравнению с Землей - 0,15 объема Земли
Ускорение свободного падения на экваторе - 3,75 м/с2
Средняя гравитация по сравнению с Землей - 0,376 g
Спутники - 2
Время на один оборот - 24 часа 37 минут
Продолжительность года - 687 дней
Температура на поверхности – от -125°С до +25°С
Наклон оси - 25,2°
<span>Средняя орбитальная скорость - 24,1 км/с</span>
1 - THINK , bathroom,
2 mother, they
3 ч - attach, chess
4 дж - dj, cottage
5 ш - kingfisher, collection , special
6 ж- usually
1. It is October.
2. April is between March and May.
3. October and November are between September and December.
4. It is autumn now.
5. Winter is between autumn and sprung.
6. August is in summer.
7. November is in autumn.
8. The first month of the year is January.
9. Yes, it is. Summer is a hot season.
10. February is a cold month.
11. The four seasons are winter, spring, summer and autumn.
12. There are 24 hours in a day.
13. There are 60 minutes in an hour.
14. There are 60 seconds in a minute.
15. The third day of the week is Wednesday.
16. The twelfth month of the year is December.
1.We called in the day-time in a hotel, to know, whether there are there free numbers.
2.We can not forget events that began in the that warm and sunny July morning.
3.In a rainy evening it is not desirable to go out from house.