<span>1 -, 2 teeth, 3 head, 4 feet, 5 toes, 6 knee</span>
1 Sometimes you can be a bit intolerate. Don't be so indifferent about everything new in life (deference).
2 You demand a free and independent life for yourself (depend), You always feel secure and live according to you own ideas, even if it means swimming against the tide (security).
3 People admire you because you gIve those who are close to you security and space (secure). You are perceived as a very warm and agreeable person (agree).
4 You take responsibility for your life and place less faith in your luck and more in your own deeds (responsible). Your strength of will projects your confidence to others (confident).
Айм вэйэрин май джинс, энд май фэвэрит Ти шорт!, Айм вэйэрин май хэт, энд май фэвэрит скэрт, айм вэйэрин май джэкит, айм вэйэрин май коат, вий а: сэйлин эвэй, ин ауэ сэйлин боат! тэйк оф йор сокс, тэйк оф йор шу:з, вий а: сэйлин эвэй, он э мэджик кру:з