1. has been swimming
2. have been waiting
3. have been driving
4. have gone
5. thought
6. No, she is working.
7. have known
8. hasn't taken
Billy do you love honey?
Do you go to forest school?
Do you have friends?
What are theres names?
Прочитай и переведи.
1. Получил 4 золотые медали?
2. Может говорить на четырёх языках
3. Начал, когда она была молодой
К вам.
Сделай проект о твоём любимом виде спорта.
Откуда он/она? Какие медали он/она получил(а).
Покажи свой проект классу.
По - моему мнению он сделал правильно In my opinion he did the right thing, я догадываюсь что мне подарят на день рождения, I guess what I'll get for my birthday, я уверен что мой ответ верный, I'm sure that my answer is correct, это невозможно чтобы создать вечный двигатель, it is impossible to create a perpetual motion machine я не когда не поверю что я это сделал,I will never believe what I did, я не думаю что вторая команда одержит победу. I do not think that the other team wins.<span>
All we know that children don't work nowadays. Their parents or other adults take care of them. But earlier in history, it was quite normal. Let's examine this situation. In Russia in 1882 there was the law which forbade children's labour up to twelve years. From 12-15 age there was the limitation for work time only eight hours a day and ban for night work. Also there was ban for children's work at the unhealthy manufactures. What could children do? They were allowed to make spoons, cane baskets, painting of wooden dishes. In England that time there was the beginning of the machine manufactures. They displaced hand labour. Every new machine was to take away "bread" from the workers, especially from poor people's children. Those machines were simple so women and children could work on them. But the manufacturers noticed that they could exploit children more profitable than adults. They could pay less and children couldn't defend their interests. Even children of five, six and seven ages had to work at the factories. Beside this, they were to pay fines for some rest or talk to neighbour.
Interesting, but these are true facts. I wonder, if modern children could work in such conditions?