Good - better - the best
important - more important - the most important
busy - busier - the busiest
large - larger - the largest
bad - worse - the worst
<span>interesting - </span>less<span> interesting - </span>least interesting
young<span> - </span>younger<span> - the </span>youngest
<span>Why didn't animals want to help the lion?
</span><span>To whom did the lion come up to?
</span><span>What did the lion tell the fox?
</span><span>What were the demands of the fox?
</span><span>Who was called by the fox?
</span><span>What disappointed the lion?
Я выписала только те предложения, в которых что-то исправила.
</span>Надеюсь, что помогла. Если это так, то дайте мне знать, нажав "Спасибо" и "Лучший ответ".
1. She is writingan invitation letter. Женщина пишет пригласительное. Что она делает?
2. In the living ROOM. Дети рисуют в гостинной. Где они рисуют?
3. The teacher. Учительница рассказывает своим студентам весёлую историю. Кто рассказывает историю?
4. In the park. девочки гуляют в парке. Где они гуляют?
5. She is decorating the Christmas tree. Алиса украшает рождественскую ёлку. Что она делает?
6. They are sharking hands. Мужчины пожимают руки. Что они делают?
Choose the appropritiate words to complete the sentences<span>1) the central characteristic of the play is a scientist who is working at a difficult problem 2) My friend connected why I hadn't phoned him 3) My parents and I love to receive friends in our house 4) If you can't find your seat in the theatre , ask the dramatist to help you 5) Our seats were on the gallery , rather far from the stage 6) Hold up a minute , I'm nearly ready 7) my friend is very much alike me:we both like the same things. 8) The scenery of the play was fantastic. 9)When I told farher about my problem, he previously offered his help.10)he couldn't decide what to do for a long time and in the end became a music teacher.</span>
1. This blue skirt isn't yours! My skirt is blue. It's mine.
2. May: Which jumper is Peters? Joe: The red jumper is his.
3. May: Which gloves are yours? Joe: The red gloves are
4. May: Which skateboard is the children's? Joe: That one is theirs over
5. These aren't Fay's trousers. Those blue trousers are hers.